Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Revolutionary Breakthrough in the Airline Industry

I thought I would share some interesting comments from  Richard Branson today. In case you don't know, Sir Richard is quite the activist/business person.

In researching information on comments he made surrounding alternative energy production (solar & wind), I found something just as important. Yesterday, Virgin Airways announced they are halving their carbon footprint with the use of bio fuels. In English this means one of their business partners has figured out how to recycle waste gas from industrial steel production and convert it to jet fuel. Fantastic. 

The airline industry has long been known to be "dirty" and not carbon friendly. If all goes well, "clean flights" should be underway in 2014 and this will revolutionize the industry.

To read more click here

What are you doing to reduce your carbon footprint? 

Retrofitting your lighting to LED and or LEP (plasma) based lighting will reduce your electricity bill by up to 75% and drastically reduce your carbon footprint. Since it can be done without any upfront costs, what are you waiting for? Contact me for details.

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